Kuan Shao Kang
B(HONS) of Chemical Engineering
Matrix ID : 18346
Nationality: Malaysian
Birthday : 8th Febuary 1994
Hometown : Kuala Pegang , Baling Kedah D.A.
Hobbies: Swimming , Gaming , Singing
Email : ivansk2@yahoo.com
LIfe is a beautiful struggle.
Reflection on subjects
Kinetics and Reaction Design
I still remember about Prof. Khairun mentioned about the subjects interelated in various years during Separation Process last September. Now I can see clearly how the subjects are interelated with physical chemisty and engineering mathematics as basis to apply on the chemical engineering situation. For now , it seems that kinetics and reactor design seems to be not a joke and should taken seriously. And sometimes it's overwelming despite I enjoy the interaction of Dr. Suzana in the class though. Despite that I will try my best to learn and understand kinetics. I thought kinetics means something like movement of a certain object , like analogy of velocity and acceleration. But guess I had the wrong opinion when it's comes to chemical engineering.
Chemical Process Dynamics , Instrumentation and Control
This subject fully coporates the mathmatics expresion in terms of Laplace Transform , Differential Equations and Computational Methods. Well before I enter foundation , I personally had the wrong preception about working in chemcial enginering is like working in labs, however complement with Enginering Drawing learnt from last year , it seems that not only diagram is needed to illustares the process but there is also a need to implement process control and instrumentation. By understading the control system , there is some respeonse needed into the system and further adjustment needed to make for reducing error and making a chemical process safer with proper control system. Sorry , Dr. Abbas but the class is very tedious with tonnes and tonnes of parameters.
Process Safety and Loss Prevention
Watched a lot of "Seconds to Disaster" and AXN channel with explosions , fire and tragedy since young to see the importance of learning accidents. It's interesting to learn about the potential hazard and how hazard occurs and spread. Guess safety comes first everyday in our lives. After weeks of class with Dr. Zul , well I guess it's like HSE version 2.0 : Better , Harder and Calculus overloaded.
Reflection for 2nd Project
Kinetics and Reaction Design
This subject is pretty easy to look at but hard to understand if there’s a question coming out in the exam . Sincerely Mr. Tazli way of teaching not only allow use to revise ourselves but also saves time for focusing on the exercise during the class too. The literature studies makes us realized the alternatives that can be used to solve our issues besides learning more on the kinetics and operating condition of each process.
Chemical Process Dynamics , Instrumentation and Control
This subject is proven to be the toughest as I learnt it the hard way. The thing is that the designing of the transfer function from the mass and energy proven to be confusing and hard to master. However, from the second part, the Feedback loop control and the stability criterion made me learnt on the importance and the issues with the control in our systems. This is crucial for problem shooting in the future as we also learn in the simulation lab about the minor step change in the system and some tuning can produce a greater effect on output.
Process Safety and Loss Prevention
As the early part we learnt on different types of the accidents and the source and dispersion with the effect to be considered. Now we learnt to focus on the hazard identification and risk assessment such as HAZOP and Event Tree Analysis. These steps are taken to ensure the risk can be eliminated or reducing with the following implementation of safety rules and regulation in comply to the Regulation such as OSHA , FMA and EPA.
Reflection on Games
The game is based on the game called Cluedo. The game is more towards invistigation of an occured accident to find the person responsible to the accident. The game will require player to go through all the crime scene and gather as much clue as you can to solve the case. The clue will be in questions related to the study of KRD , CPDIC and PSLP. As we need to generate question that statisfy the high order in the Bloom Taxonomy , we get some references and would require some CSI-like reimaging the case to solve the mystery behind the accident. Besdie logical thinking , creative thinking is pusing our ideas to the boundary as we involved in the web designing with Wix , Presentation with Prezi and Video Editing with Platoon. Personally , I never think of alternatives from online applications rather than our usual contempolary programs in our computer. I am very glad to have an opportunity to hone my soft skills on web designing , slides presentation and video editing or photography.
Reflection on the Game's Questions
We generate questions that require high order thinking in Bloom Taxonomy and imagination like CSI. The question would require a certain degree of basic understanding from engineering mathematics , physical chemistry and physics in order to reach the derivation to equations linked to KRD , CPDIC and PSLP.
Kinetics and Reactor Design
The topics involved will be related to Mole Balance , Reactor Sizing and Conversion , Rate Law as well as Stoichiometry.The hard question would focus on imagination and predicting given some changes is made to the reactor. Different answers for different players might considered in this game since the mind of every person thinks in a varying manner. It would be interesting to observe their opinion on find the culprit for the game.
Chemical Process Dynamics , Control and Instrumentation
The included topics from CPDIC are Derivation of Unstady State Mass and Energy Balances , Transfer Functions and Behaviour of First and Second Order Dunamic Behaviour. The segregation of question will based on easy , medium and hard level to test their mind.
Process Safety and Loss Prevention
Toxic release and dispersion model question for the board game. There is one question that needs imagining the characteristics of plume and puff release based on the diagram or written clue given to player.
This project is very interesting as I first time try doing web design and online application presentation design. However , the limitation to this project perhaps is the time itself and the unexpected webpage error and internet connection.