Mohd Shafik Bin Sanusi
Bachelor (Hons) of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Nationality: Malaysian
Date of birth: 19th August 1994
Hobbies: Reading, Gaming
Hometown: Pontian, Johor
Email: mohdshafik9413@gmail.com
"Pain is my best friend, it tells me I'm not dead yet."
Kinetic & Reactor Design
One of the core subject for chemical engineers. I realize that to master this subject, you need to remember all the past subjects you have learn, unfortunately all my notes on the past subject is gone by now. However, with the help of the new book (Principal of Chemical Engineering), i have grow fond towards this subject. Dr. Suzana's in class exercises really helps me. It keeps me focus on class rather than talking to friends. I learn various types of reactors and its functions, not to forget i can now do Stoichiometry table on my own.
Chemical Process Dynamics, Instrumentation & Control
Masha Allah, the nightmare of this semester !!! Derivation, laplace equation, assumptions are everywhere. Not to mention the non-stop 2 hours lectures. You have to sit in front and give your 200% attention to understands it. Most of the time I usually sit at the back and can't hear anything the lecturer said. Sorry Mr Abbas. My friends who studies in Texas told me I really need to focus into this subject. Even him the genius only gets C for this subject. However, as mention before, when you focused into Mr Abbas teachings, CPDIC is actually quite fun. You can feel the sensation when you understands the topics.
Process Safety & Loss Prevention
Hooray, Its Dr. Zul again. He taught me Health Safety and Environment last semester. Best class ever. His teaching style is the best. He gives out notes at first, teaches us a little bit of this and that, and gives out exercise. I found this subject really interesting. Never have i thought you can calculate things like toxicity with pure algebra and mathematics. This subject teaches me that every part of the company is important in maintaining not only the product but also safety. Overall, best subject ever.
Reflection on Board Game
Based from Cluedo, its a game to find who is responsible for the death of the innocent victims. You have to find who is the responsible person, where the tragedy happens, and what is the causes for the death. The locations in this games are based on industrial world, which I can really see the relation with the 3 integrated subjects needed to be put into the games. Not just a games, it promotes the usage of all chemical engineering knowledge of the player in order to solve the case. In the making of this games, I have gain more skills in designing, creating websites using wix, video making with Powtoons and Prezi. All of this skills are really helpful to me in the future.
Reflection on Board Game's Questions
The questions are divided into 3 major parts; easy, medium and hard. This makes the game more challenging. Game is not fun without a challenge, right ? Player's knowledge are tested in this games everytime they play. The objectives of this board game is achieved as players tends to absorb knowledge or learn something when playing this game.
Kinetic & Reactor Design
The questions are all based from the first 4 chapter from this subject. Introduction & Mole Balance, Conversion & Reactor Sizing, Rate Law & Stoichiometry and Isothermal Reactor Design are the references we used. The questions are divided into 3 parts; easy, medium and high level thinking. Players can streghten their memory on this topic when playing the games.
Chemical Process Dynamics, Instrumentation & Control
The questions are based from Transfer function derivations from unsteady-state mass/energy balances and First and second order processes dynamic behavior. The questions are divided into 3 parts; easy, medium and high level thinking. Players need to focus on the questions and must have the basics in order to solve the problem.
Process Safety & Loss Prevention
The questions are all based from Toxic Release and Dispersion Model. The questions are divided into 3 parts; easy, medium and high level thinking. It is very straight forward to allow player to learn in relax.
Reflection on 2nd Project
Kinetics & Reactor Design
One of the most beautiful subject I learned. At first I have to admit, I’m quite lost in the topics, but with the notes and videos posted by Mr.Tazli, learning is easier and quite fun. Doing pyrolysis uses a lot of KRD knowledge. Chapter 6 is helpful for the project which is multiple reaction. From one reactant which is biomass, we can produce three products which is bio-char, bio-oil and bio-gas through pyrolysis. This project would be tough if one does not have the knowledge of KRD.
Chemical Process & Dynamic Instrumentation Control
This subjects get tougher every time I learn it. Some part we’re understandable but some parts was just too hard. In the project, applying what I learn is quite hard especially in doing the PFD and Block Diagram. Labelling valve, pipeline etc. is not as easy as it looks. How to control the pyrolysis of biomass also a challenge without the basic of CPDIC.
Process Safety & Loss Prevention
The key to a successful reactor designing is including its safety precautions. Through studying this subject, I am able to do the Hazard Analysis (HAZOP) successfully for all the inlet, outlet and the reactor. HAZOP is needed in order to minimize the risk thus creating a safe environment for workers to work.